Coaching amoureux bordeaux

Couples therapy

How can you overcome the difficulties linked with being in a relationship?

Loss of interest in your partner | Lack of desire
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Although being in a fulfilling relationship is not easy, you have probably noticed how some people make it look so easy. When you look at them or listen to them talking about their partner it all sounds so natural.

This is certainly because those who manage to remain happily married throughout the years have reached such an understanding of each other that to them living means living with their other half. They cannot even consider life without their partner.
This state of "domestic bliss" is reached by some naturally. This does not happen for the vast majority of people. Divorce rates fully illustrate that.
What if this "domestic bliss" was not that natural after all? What if you actually had to WORK to get there?
That is what you do when you choose to enter marriage counselling.

When your relationship is strained, when both of you begin to question the relationship, you then have 2 options :
 - you can either decide to walk away from this relationship
 - or decide that you can do something about it.
Strains in a relationship are very often caused by misunderstanding, frustration and anger. Going through marriage counseling can help a great deal.

How does it work?

A marriage Counselor is no Judge or Referee. He or she will listen to both of you making sure that both of you express yourselves fully. He or she will help partners understand each other.

A marriage Counselor is there to ease the communication between partners in order to clear any misunderstanding or misinterpreting.

The marriage Counselor also helps couples state clearly what their expectations are in terms of :
 - the type of relationship they want to be in
 - major decisions about where they live, their careers, children and so on.

How long does a couples therapy last?

This question is very difficult to answer because the length of the therapy varies according to many factors :
 - how deep-rooted the problem is
 - how dedicated to solving the problem the couple is
 - how willing they are to open up

Specialists agree on the average period of 9 months (source John M. Gottman and Nan Silver)
For some people it will take less time (two months) and for some others, the therapy will have to last longer to prove effective.

foire aux questions ?

  • Choisir son psy

    Lorsque vous faites le choix de consulter un psychologue, plusieurs points doivent attirer votre attention :

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  • qui-suis-je ?

    A mon retour en France au milieu des années 90, j’ai intégré le monde de l’entreprise (grands groupes internationaux, PME) où j’ai occupé pendant plusieurs années des postes à des niveaux hiérarchiques divers (Conseil téléphonique bilingue anglais, Assistante export, Responsable de service client).

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  • quelle méthode

    Mon approche thérapeutique est l’approche profondément humaniste de Carl Rogers (l'Accompagnement Centré sur la Personne) qui met l'accent sur la qualité de la relation entre le thérapeute et le patient. Il s'agit en particulier pour le Thérapeute, d'être capable de comprendre une situation non pas depuis son propre cadre de référence, mais depuis celui du patient. La personne est ainsi acceptée telle qu'elle est.

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  • déontologie

    Le Psychologue est un professionnel formé à l'écoute et à la compréhension des difficultés que traversent ses patients. Sa formation universitaire (connaissances théoriques et stages obligatoires effectués auprès de publics variés (hôpitaux, associations, entreprises) lui fournissent les outils qui lui permettent d'aller au-delà de la simple écoute afin de vous proposer des solutions adaptées aux difficultés que vous rencontrez.

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Agence Régionale de Santé

Membre Fédération Française des Psychologues
et de Psychologie

Membre Association Française des Psychologues du travail et des Organisations